Founder of Rebuild Your Brain providing personalized nutrition coaching for mental health

I’M Lindsey Marie

Mental Health Nutrition Coach

Helping moms overcome exhaustion, irritability & overwhelm by naturally rebuilding their brain chemistry so they can experience life with grace.

Amino Acid Therapy

Amino acid therapy is a natural approach that uses specific amino acids to balance brain chemistry, improve mood, reduce anxiety, and alleviate symptoms of mental health challenges.

Mental Health Nutrition Coaching

Mental health nutrition coaching helps you navigate the challenges of motherhood, teaches you about the fascinating biochemistry of your emotions, and equips you with evidence-based techniques to regulate your mood and unlock your full potential!

Helping You Embrace Motherhood

Fall back in love with life.


As a mother, you've selflessly sacrificed time, money, and your own wellbeing in order to give your family the best life you can. If you haven't taken the time to give back to yourself, let this be your sign. As the mother goes, so goes the family. You all deserve to feel good!

Find joy amidst the challenges of motherhood.

Cultivate grace toward yourself & your family.

Tackle daily tasks with ease & enjoyment.

Rediscover your passions & purpose.

Bio Chemistry

Gain insight into how your brain chemistry impacts your emotions, behaviors, and overall mental wellbeing, and learn how to optimize it.


Optimize your diet by identifying nutrient deficiencies or intolerances that can impact your mood, cognition, and behavior.


Make intentional lifestyle changes to better cope with the challenges of motherhood and improve your overall mental wellbeing.


Train yourself to emphasize the positive and reframe negative thoughts to bolster your resilience and uplift your mood.

What Is Mental Health

Nutrition Coaching?

The goal is to empower you in optimizing your brain chemistry to effectively tackle mental health challenges. By actively listening to your body and providing (or avoiding) the necessary food and amino acids that support a stable mood, you can take charge of your emotional well-being & experience life with grace!

Assess: Set a baseline and consistently evaluate mood symptoms to identify areas of improvement and necessary adjustments.

Nourish: Supply your body with essential foods, nutrients, and amino acids to promote optimal brain chemistry and overall well-being.

Listen: Rediscover your authentic self and uncover any underlying factors that could impede your progress.

Thrive: Embrace and appreciate the person you have become, while developing effective strategies to confidently overcome challenges.

About Me

As a Certified Recovery Nutrition Coach from the Academy of Addiction and Mental Health Nutrition, I have the expertise to recognize the crucial role that nutrient imbalances play in substance use and mental health disorders.

Unlike conventional methods that heavily rely on medication, my approach concentrates on pinpointing and addressing the distinctive nutrient deficiencies that affect your mental health and overall well-being.

By nourishing your brain and uncovering the root biochemical causes of your mental health issues, I can help you get out of bed with a smile on your face, fall back in love with life and feel like yourself again!

Founder of Rebuild Your Brain providing personalized nutrition coaching for mental health

Free Resources

The Mood Checkup

Take the first step to feeling good, living a life of grace & finding energy to own your day!

Mom's Mental Minute

Get access to helpful insights to enhance your mood and fully enjoy motherhood with grace and joy!

Facebook Group

Join our Facebook group to access exclusive content specifically designed to help you overcome mental health challenges as a mother.


"Lindsey's program is a true game changer!!

I went from complete break downs just because-no real reason-just could not control my emotions, to laughing at an entire bottle of teriyaki sauce that I shook all over my clean kitchen and brand new white shirt I had on.

She is truly amazing!!"

"So grateful for your program!

I'm experiencing those little changes to my mindset and feeling the release of joy that my pain has been hiding from me."

"Three months ago I was hating life and barely surviving.

This week I went bowling, went swimming, played mini golf, and went rock climbing!

Now I'm shopping for new workout clothes with the goal of being a personal trainer again one day!"

"It's been a long day, but my mood has been pretty fantastic.

I had a singing party with my girls on the way to dinner and another singing party on the way home.

Lots of giggles & just plain FUN!"

"Lindsey's program is a true game changer!!

I went from complete break downs just because-no real reason-just could not control my emotions, to laughing at an entire bottle of teriyaki sauce that I shook all over my clean kitchen and brand new white shirt I had on.

She is truly amazing!!"

"So grateful for your program!

I'm experiencing those little changes to my mindset and feeling the release of joy that my pain has been hiding from me."

"Three months ago I was hating life and barely surviving.

This week I went bowling, went swimming, played mini golf, and went rock climbing!

Now I'm shopping for new workout clothes with the goal of being a personal trainer again one day!"

"It's been a long day, but my mood has been pretty fantastic.

I had a singing party with my girls on the way to dinner and another singing party on the way home.

Lots of giggles & just plain FUN!"

Fuel your brain.

Feel like yourself again.

Fall back in love with life.

There are four mood engines in your brain.

Scientifically speaking, these are called "neurotransmitters." The neurotransmitters specific to mood regulation are serotonin, catecholamines, GABA, and endorphins. Each neurotransmitter has a distinct role in your mood depending largely on the availability of the amino acid required to fuel it.

How do you know how you've run too low on fuel? By taking The Mood Checkup and evaluating what mood symptoms are bothering you the most.

Do not look back a year from now and regret all the moments you didn’t embrace with your kids. Make the choice to start feeling good now!

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